Much of the actually “awake” nation is currently aghast by the rather shocking revelations emanating from China.
And while China has been playing all kinds of games with the United States ever since wannabe Emperor Xiden came into power, the latest news related to the massive Asian nation is still shocking, even with a bought and paid for “Big Guy” in power.
It appears that the collaboration between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and shady American interests has soldiered on, in spite of the deadly COVID pandemic (and erasure of personal freedoms) that resulted.
Alas, it appears that authorities are all too willing to bring about an even worse pandemic via the latest gain of function research, which involves the apparent manipulation of even deadlier avian flu viruses.
While that collaboration is troubling enough, eliciting an outraged response from conservative lawmakers, it becomes even more frightening when considered within the context of one of Biden’s likely puppet masters: Obama.
Indeed, Obama has long bragged that Biden is “finishing the job” of his administration, boasting that at least 90 percent of Biden employees were former Obama employees.
While Obama’s de facto third term is bad enough, as well as evidence of the so-called constitutional scholar’s clear disregard for the Constitution, what’s even scarier is the fact that his term isn’t just economically disastrous … it’s actually deadly disastrous.
Worst of all, such a deadly, disastrous situation has likely long been in the works, well before Big Tech effectively propelled Biden into power through brainwashing a bunch of millennial brats and perpetually offended liberals to vote for him.
Giving Obama just the vehicle he needed to begin laying the groundwork for rather convenient public health crises.
In a speech delivered on July 18, 2005, Obama made a series of rather troubling remarks, in light of all the events that have unfolded since.
Hint: The entirety of his remarks revolved around a potential avian flu pandemic.
“In the last few weeks, scientists have reported that a deadlier version of the avian flu has now spread to migrant birds that could carry the disease out of Asia and across the world,” Obama intoned.
Amazing foresight, really. Who could have guessed that a “constitutional scholar” would also be equipped with such a vast understanding of viruses?
Of course, Obama was sure to foreshadow the fear that would come to dominate the nation during the pandemic, courtesy of the leftwing media that always does his bidding.
“While it may not seem that threatening to many Americans at first, this bird flu could easily transform into a human flu. And if it does, it could be one of the deadliest flus mankind has ever known – even worse than the 1918 flu pandemic that killed 675,000 Americans and 50 million worldwide,” Obama added darkly.
Yeah, well, that’s what “gain of function” research does, Mr. Obama. It facilitates the so-called “jump” of the virus from avian to mammalian species.
Any reason the Biden regime is funding it? In China, of all places?
Oh, wait … De facto “Big Guy” hush money speaks volumes.
Of course, Obama also was practicing the art of drumming up public funds for a Democrat-created crisis, as he also savored the millions set aside from preventing an alleged virus from Asia.
“Since coming to the Senate six months ago, one of the foreign policy and health issues I have focused on relates to the avian flu. I am pleased that this bill includes $10 million to combat the spread of this potential pandemic, adding to the $25 million that the Senate provided in the supplemental appropriations bill in April,” Obama proclaimed.
Right. Something suggests those millions were diverted to so-called “gain of function” research, especially as Fauci was also a longtime Obama disciple.
“We can’t just stand by and hope that this virus doesn’t reach our shores when it only takes hours to travel from one side of the world to the other. It’s time for America to lead the world in taking decisive action to prevent a potential global tragedy,” Obama declared urgently.
Right. Except when the global health crisis didn’t happen for a fifteen-year period, much to Obama’s dismay, it just happened to emerge during the 2020 election cycle, resulting in the very “global tragedy” Obama ominously referenced way back in 2005, shortly after sailing into politics and a failed stint at “community organization.”
And it also looks like Obama was practicing the art of having the media agree on a “unanimous” opinion regarding public health matters.
“I ask unanimous consent that several articles and editorials about the avian flu be included in the record,” Obama boldly declared.
Rather bold, for a super junior Senator. Albeit one backed by bigtime dark money and woke liberals.
Even more curiously, Obama references other longtime politicians that apparently support his bird flu obsession.
“I thank the managers of this bill, Senators McConnell and Leahy, and their staffs for working with me on this important issue. I know that Senator McConnell has a longstanding interest in Southeast Asia, and Senator Leahy has always been a champion of international health issues, making the avian flu something I know they both care deeply about,” Obama added.
Looks like the whole swamp joined on Obama’s pre-pandemic “predictions.”
Which are coming to full fruition under the terrifying “leadership” of Biden’s assorted puppet masters.
After all, what are the odds that the United States would enter into an apparent agreement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to do more gain of function research so soon after COVID?
Apparently, if a bought and paid for “Big Guy” is in power, the odds are effectively 100 percent.
Which naturally translates into a zero-sum game for the American people.
Author: Jane Jones

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